Articles by Franceen King, PhD







My Sexology Books and Related Video:

         Waking into �The Big O� � A New Look at Sleep-Related Female Orgasms (2012)

         Sleep-Related Female Orgasms � A Survey of Biological, Psychological, Sociological, and Cultural Factors (2011)

         An OnlineSurvey of Sleep-Related Female Orgasms and Sex Dreams�

         The Learning Channel, Strange Sex, Episode�� Sleep Orgasms (2012)


���� Articles for The Monroe Institute:

         TMI NEWS,The Long View: Franceen King , Spring, 2012

         Following the Starlines, from the TMI Focus, Winter/Spring, 2003


����� Rebirthing:

         Rebirthing Update I, from the Self-Awareness Institute Newsletter, 1994.

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