A Research Survey of
� Sleep-Related
Female Orgasms and Sex Dreams�
by Franceen King, Ph.D.
Dr. Franceen King is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and
Board Certified Clinical Sexologist in private practice near
Your participation is completely voluntary and will be greatly appreciated.� All information is confidential and will be reported only in anonymous aggregate numbers, or anonymous narrative. Your response to this survey constitutes your informed consent.� If you have any questions, please contact me at 813-971-8808, or DrFranceen@aol.com.
You can complete this survey in two different ways:� 1) you can copy it into an email addressed to
DrFranceen@aol.com, and insert your responses
into the email; or 2) you can print this page, write in your responses, and
mail it to Dr. Franceen King,
I hope you find the questions to be
interesting and thought provoking.
NOTE (6/2012):� Since I have been running this survey for
several years, I have posted preliminary results here.� I recently published a much larger collection
of statistics and anonymous commentary from survey respondents in book form, Waking
into �The Big O� � a New Look at Sleep-Related Female Orgasms
(2012).� The Table of Contents is
also posted on the results page. Truthfully, I think the information is really
ground-breaking, if not revolutionary!� I
am profoundly grateful to all the women who have completed this survey in the
past.� They have made a huge contribution
to the understanding of women�s sexuality.�
I am continuing to run this survey, nonetheless, to gather more information
since this response has not been studied with women above college age since
Kinsey�s time (1953).���
Due to increased interest, I also published
my doctoral dissertation entitled Sleep-Related Female Orgasms: A
Survey of Biological, Psychological, sociological, and Cultural Factors (2006),
in book form. The abstract, introduction, and Table of Contents are posted here.� Both of these books are available at my
e-store for $16.00 plus postage by clicking on the titles, or by ordering from Amazon.com
(SRFOs) or Amazon.com.
After completing the survey, I will send you a discount code which can
be used for purchasing Waking into �The Big O� at my e-store.
Have fun.� Thank you for your time and interest.
1.� Current Age: ____
2.� Race:� _____Caucasian;� _____Hispanic;� ____African descent;� ____Asian descent;� ______Native American;� ________Other�
3.� Marital Status (Check all that apply): _____Never Married;� ______Now Married;� _____Previously Married;� _____Widowed; _____ Now Living with Partner
4.� Level of Completed Education:��� ____Less than High School,� ____High School, ____Some college,�� ____Bachelor Degree,� ____Some Graduate School,� ____Masters Degree,� ____ Doctoral Degree
5.� How would you rate your attitudes about sex?� Please check.
_____Very conservative,
��������� _____Somewhat conservative
��������� _____Somewhat liberal
��������� _____Very liberal��������������
6.� Have you ever had a dream that you would consider to be overtly sexual or erotic?
���� ____Yes
���� ____No
7.� Have you ever had a sex dream in which you were having sex with someone else? ____Yes ____No
� �� If yes, how often:
______Less than 10 times in life
______Several times each year
______Several times each month
���� ______At least once each week
8.� Have you ever had a sex dream in which you witnessed others having sex?
_____Yes�� ____No
������� � If yes, how often:
______Less than 10 times in life
______Several times each year
______Several times each month
______At least once each week
9.� Have you ever awakened from sleep feeling sexually aroused?
��������� �������� If yes, how often:
______Less than 10 times in life
______Several times each year
______Several times each month
______At least once each week
10. Do you ever have lucid dreams, in which you are aware you are dreaming and able to influence the content of the dream?
���� _____Yes
���� _____No
If yes, how often:
______Less than 10 times in life
______Several times each year
______Several times each month
______At least once each week
11.� Have you ever had a sexual dream that caused you to wake up having a physical orgasm?
��� ______Yes
��� ______No
12.� Have you ever been awakened from sleep by a physical orgasm without awareness of a preceding dream?
13.� Have you ever been awakened from sleep by a physical orgasm preceded by a dream without any obvious sexual or erotic content?
���� _____Yes
���� _____No�
14.� Prior to this survey, did you know that women sometimes have sleep-related orgasms?
If yes, how did you first learn about sleep-related orgasms?
______Sex education class
______You experienced one
______A friend told you
______You read about them in a book or magazine
______Your mother or older relative told you
______Other _______________________________________________
15.� Are you able to experience sexual orgasms when you are awake?
____Yes,� _____No
���� If yes, indicate all the ways in which you are able to experience orgasm?
_____Through masturbation
_____Through fantasy and masturbation combined
_____Through manual stimulation by a partner
_____Through oral stimulation by a partner
_____Through vaginal penetration by a partner
16. At what age did you experience your first orgasm?
_____Under age 10
_____Between ages 11 and 15
_____Between ages 16 and 20
_____Between 21 and 30
_____Between 31 and 40
_____Between 41 and 50
_____Between 51 and 60
_____Between 61 and 70
_____Over 71��
17.� If you answered �yes� to #11, #12, or #13, please answer the following questions.� Otherwise, please proceed to #18.
17a.�� Have you experienced a sleep-related orgasm during the past five years?
��������� _____Yes� _____No
17b. With or without an accompanying dream, how often have you experienced sleep-related orgasms:
_____Less than 10 times in life
_____Usually about 1 to 5 times each year
_____Usually about 6 to 12 times each year
_____More than once a month
_____More than once a week
17c.� At what age do you first remember experiencing a sleep-related orgasm?
_____Under age 10
_____Between ages 11 and 15
_____Between ages 16 and 20
_____Between 21 and 30
_____Between 31 and 40
_____Between 41 and 50
_____Between 51 and 60
_____Between 61 and 70
_____Over 71��
17d. During which age periods have sleep-related orgasms been most common for you?� (Please rank top three age ranges, as 1= most common; 2= second most common; 3= third most common age period.)� Please mark �NA� in the age categories that you have not yet reached.
_____Under age 10
_____Between ages 11 and 15
_____Between ages 16 and 20
_____Between 21 and 30
_____Between 31 and 40
_____Between 41 and 50
_____Between 51 and 60
_____Between 61 and 70
_____Over 71��
����������� 17e. Did you experience your first orgasm as a result of a dream or awakening from sleep?
� ____Yes� ____No
����������� 17f.� During which of the following conditions have sleep-related orgasms
been more frequent for you? Check all that apply.
�������� ���������_____During the premenstrual stage of your monthly cycle
����������������� _____During your menstrual flow������������� ��
����������������� _____During the beginning of your monthly cycle, after your menstrual flow
����������� _____During pregnancy.� (Check here____ if you have never been pregnant.)
����������������� _____During nursing after giving birth
����������� _____During recovery from pregnancy
����������� _____During the beginning of menopausal symptoms
����������� _____After menopause
����������� _____At the beginning of a new romantic relationship
���� ������ _____During periods of frequent waking orgasms or sexual arousal�������������������� ����
����������� _____When between, or without, a sexual relationship
����������� _____After death of spouse or sexual partner
��� ��������_____During periods of anxiety or worry
����������� _____Other, please describe: _________________________________________________
����� 17g.� In general, what is your subjective reaction to these sleep-related orgasms? (Check all that apply)
������������� ____You feel worried about them
������������� ____You are confused about them
������������� ____You are embarrassed by them
������������� ____You are curious about why they occur
____You are afraid of them
____You enjoy them
������������� ____You used to feel worried, confused, embarrassed or afraid, but you no longer are
������������������ ____You find them amusing or entertaining
������������������ ____You look forward to them
������������������ ____You actively try to make yourself have them
17h.� In your experience, are these sleep-related orgasms more common with lucid dreams (dreams in which you are aware that you are dreaming and can exercise some direction) than non-lucid dreams?
____Yes� ____No�
18.� Have you ever discussed sleep-related orgasms with your physician, gynecologist, or other health care provider?
____Yes� ____No
���� If yes, briefly describe what they told you.
19.� Have you ever discussed sleep-related orgasms with your mental health counselor, psychotherapist, or other psychological advisor?
��� ____Yes� ____No
���� If yes, briefly describe what they told you.
20. Have you ever discussed sleep-related orgasms with your minister or a spiritual advisor?
____Yes�� ____No
���� If yes, briefly describe what they told you.
21. Have you ever experienced orgasm as a result of waking sexual fantasy only (without any physical stimulation)?
� ___Yes� ____No
���� If yes, how often?
_____Less than 10 times in life
_____Usually about 1 to 5 times each year
_____Usually about 6 to 12 times each year
_____More than once a month
_____More than once a week
22.� How would you rate your religiosity?�
_____Very religious
_____Moderately religious
_____Only slightly religious
_____Not religious at all��������������������
23.� With which religion do you most identify: ____________________________________________
24.� How would you rate your spirituality?�
_____Very spiritual
_____Moderately spiritual
_____Only slightly spiritual
_____Not spiritual at all��������������������
25.� In which kinds of religious and spiritual practices do you normally engage? (Check all that apply.)
_____Personal prayer
_____Group prayer and worship services
_____Private meditation
_____Group meditation
_____Ecstatic dance or movement
��� ��_____Guided imagery exercises
����� _____Spiritual or energy healing��������
����� _____Shamanic journeys, or other work in altered states
����� _____Yoga, tai chi, chi gong, or other mind/body/spirit integration exercises
����� _____Inspirational reading
�� ��26.� Please feel free to include any stories, examples, or other comments you would like to make regarding these topics.
Thank you for your participation.� Eventually, tallied results will be posted at www.franceenking.com
Franceen King.� May be reproduced for
purpose of participation in survey.