A Research Survey of

Sleep-Related Female Orgasms and Sex Dreams�


Conducted by Franceen King, Ph.D.


Dr. Franceen King is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Board Certified Clinical Sexologist in private practice near Tampa, Florida.She is also an ordained minister. This survey is being conducted to gather information about several topics that have been neglected in recent sexological research.Information from women of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds is needed.I really need to hear from more women in their 70s and 80s, so if you are a younger respondent, I would greatly appreciate your willingness to share the survey with your mothers, grandmothers, or older women friends.


Your participation is completely voluntary and will be greatly appreciated.All information is confidential and will be reported only in anonymous aggregate numbers, or anonymous narrative. Your response to this survey constitutes your informed consent.If you have any questions, please contact me at 813-971-8808, or DrFranceen@aol.com.


You can complete this survey in two different ways:1) you can copy it into an email addressed to DrFranceen@aol.com, and insert your responses into the email; or 2) you can print this page, write in your responses, and mail it to Dr. Franceen King, 14716 Oak Vine Drive, Lutz, FL 33559.

I hope you find the questions to be interesting and thought provoking.

NOTE (6/2012):Since I have been running this survey for several years, I have posted preliminary results here.I recently published a much larger collection of statistics and anonymous commentary from survey respondents in book form, Waking into �The Big O� � a New Look at Sleep-Related Female Orgasms (2012).The Table of Contents is also posted on the results page. Truthfully, I think the information is really ground-breaking, if not revolutionary!I am profoundly grateful to all the women who have completed this survey in the past.They have made a huge contribution to the understanding of women�s sexuality.I am continuing to run this survey, nonetheless, to gather more information since this response has not been studied with women above college age since Kinsey�s time (1953).���


Due to increased interest, I also published my doctoral dissertation entitled Sleep-Related Female Orgasms: A Survey of Biological, Psychological, sociological, and Cultural Factors (2006), in book form. The abstract, introduction, and Table of Contents are posted here.Both of these books are available at my e-store for $16.00 plus postage by clicking on the titles, or by ordering from Amazon.com (SRFOs) or Amazon.com. (Waking).After completing the survey, I will send you a discount code which can be used for purchasing Waking into �The Big O� at my e-store.

Have fun.Thank you for your time and interest.



1.Current Age: ____


2.Race:_____Caucasian;_____Hispanic;____African descent;____Asian descent;______Native American;________Other


3.Marital Status (Check all that apply): _____Never Married;______Now Married;_____Previously Married;_____Widowed; _____ Now Living with Partner


4.Level of Completed Education:��� ____Less than High School,____High School, ____Some college,�� ____Bachelor Degree,____Some Graduate School,____Masters Degree,____ Doctoral Degree


5.How would you rate your attitudes about sex?Please check.


_____Very conservative,

�������� _____Somewhat conservative


�������� _____Somewhat liberal

�������� _____Very liberal��������������


6.Have you ever had a dream that you would consider to be overtly sexual or erotic?

���� ____Yes

���� ____No


7.Have you ever had a sex dream in which you were having sex with someone else? ____Yes ____No


�� If yes, how often:

______Less than 10 times in life

______Several times each year

______Several times each month

���� ______At least once each week


8.Have you ever had a sex dream in which you witnessed others having sex?

_____Yes�� ____No


������� If yes, how often:

______Less than 10 times in life

______Several times each year

______Several times each month

______At least once each week


9.Have you ever awakened from sleep feeling sexually aroused?




��������� �������� If yes, how often:

______Less than 10 times in life

______Several times each year

______Several times each month

______At least once each week


10.     Do you ever have lucid dreams, in which you are aware you are dreaming and able to influence the content of the dream?

���� _____Yes

���� _____No


If yes, how often:

______Less than 10 times in life

______Several times each year

______Several times each month

______At least once each week


11.Have you ever had a sexual dream that caused you to wake up having a physical orgasm?

��� ______Yes

��� ______No


12.Have you ever been awakened from sleep by a physical orgasm without awareness of a preceding dream?




13.Have you ever been awakened from sleep by a physical orgasm preceded by a dream without any obvious sexual or erotic content?

���� _____Yes

���� _____No


14.Prior to this survey, did you know that women sometimes have sleep-related orgasms?




If yes, how did you first learn about sleep-related orgasms?


______Sex education class

______You experienced one

______A friend told you

______You read about them in a book or magazine

______Your mother or older relative told you

______Other _______________________________________________


15.Are you able to experience sexual orgasms when you are awake?



��� If yes, indicate all the ways in which you are able to experience orgasm?

_____Through masturbation

_____Through fantasy and masturbation combined

_____Through manual stimulation by a partner

_____Through oral stimulation by a partner

_____Through vaginal penetration by a partner



16. At what age did you experience your first orgasm?


_____Under age 10

_____Between ages 11 and 15

_____Between ages 16 and 20

_____Between 21 and 30

_____Between 31 and 40

_____Between 41 and 50

_____Between 51 and 60

_____Between 61 and 70

_____Over 71��



17.If you answered �yes� to #11, #12, or #13, please answer the following questions.Otherwise, please proceed to #18.


17a.�� Have you experienced a sleep-related orgasm during the past five years?

��������� _____Yes_____No


17b. With or without an accompanying dream, how often have you experienced sleep-related orgasms:


_____Less than 10 times in life

_____Usually about 1 to 5 times each year

_____Usually about 6 to 12 times each year

_____More than once a month

_____More than once a week

17c.At what age do you first remember experiencing a sleep-related orgasm?


_____Under age 10

_____Between ages 11 and 15

_____Between ages 16 and 20

_____Between 21 and 30

_____Between 31 and 40

_____Between 41 and 50

_____Between 51 and 60

_____Between 61 and 70

_____Over 71��


17d. During which age periods have sleep-related orgasms been most common for you?(Please rank top three age ranges, as 1= most common; 2= second most common; 3= third most common age period.)Please mark �NA� in the age categories that you have not yet reached.


_____Under age 10

_____Between ages 11 and 15

_____Between ages 16 and 20

_____Between 21 and 30

_____Between 31 and 40

_____Between 41 and 50

_____Between 51 and 60

_____Between 61 and 70

_____Over 71��


����������� 17e. Did you experience your first orgasm as a result of a dream or awakening from sleep?



����������� 17f.During which of the following conditions have sleep-related orgasms

been more frequent for you? Check all that apply.


�������� ���������_____During the premenstrual stage of your monthly cycle

����������������� _____During your menstrual flow������������� ��

����������������� _____During the beginning of your monthly cycle, after your menstrual flow

����������� _____During pregnancy.(Check here____ if you have never been pregnant.)

����������������� _____During nursing after giving birth

����������� _____During recovery from pregnancy

����������� _____During the beginning of menopausal symptoms

����������� _____After menopause

����������� _____At the beginning of a new romantic relationship

���� ������ _____During periods of frequent waking orgasms or sexual arousal�������������������� ����

����������� _____When between, or without, a sexual relationship

����������� _____After death of spouse or sexual partner

��� ��������_____During periods of anxiety or worry

����������� _____Other, please describe: _________________________________________________



����� 17g.In general, what is your subjective reaction to these sleep-related orgasms? (Check all that apply)


������������� ____You feel worried about them

������������� ____You are confused about them

������������� ____You are embarrassed by them

������������� ____You are curious about why they occur

____You are afraid of them

____You enjoy them

������������� ____You used to feel worried, confused, embarrassed or afraid, but you no longer are

������������������ ____You find them amusing or entertaining

������������������ ____You look forward to them

������������������ ____You actively try to make yourself have them


17h.In your experience, are these sleep-related orgasms more common with lucid dreams (dreams in which you are aware that you are dreaming and can exercise some direction) than non-lucid dreams?




18.Have you ever discussed sleep-related orgasms with your physician, gynecologist, or other health care provider?



���� If yes, briefly describe what they told you.






19.Have you ever discussed sleep-related orgasms with your mental health counselor, psychotherapist, or other psychological advisor?

��� ____Yes____No


���� If yes, briefly describe what they told you.






20.     Have you ever discussed sleep-related orgasms with your minister or a spiritual advisor?

____Yes�� ____No


���� If yes, briefly describe what they told you.





21. Have you ever experienced orgasm as a result of waking sexual fantasy only (without any physical stimulation)?



���� If yes, how often?


_____Less than 10 times in life

_____Usually about 1 to 5 times each year

_____Usually about 6 to 12 times each year

_____More than once a month

_____More than once a week



22.How would you rate your religiosity?


_____Very religious

_____Moderately religious

_____Only slightly religious

_____Not religious at all��������������������


23.With which religion do you most identify: ____________________________________________


24.How would you rate your spirituality?


_____Very spiritual

_____Moderately spiritual

_____Only slightly spiritual

_____Not spiritual at all��������������������



25.In which kinds of religious and spiritual practices do you normally engage? (Check all that apply.)


_____Personal prayer

_____Group prayer and worship services

_____Private meditation

_____Group meditation



_____Ecstatic dance or movement


��� ��_____Guided imagery exercises

����� _____Spiritual or energy healing��������

����� _____Shamanic journeys, or other work in altered states

����� _____Yoga, tai chi, chi gong, or other mind/body/spirit integration exercises

����� _____Inspirational reading



�� ��26.Please feel free to include any stories, examples, or other comments you would like to make regarding these topics.







Thank you for your participation.Eventually, tallied results will be posted at www.franceenking.com


�2006 Franceen King.May be reproduced for purpose of participation in survey.